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Chinese color coated products firm occupied the Korean market

According to South Korean media said the low-priced Chinese products have been established in the Korean cold-rolled sheet market can not shake the position. Hot galvanized steel GI, steel pickling PO, color-coated and tin plate, and most product prices lower than Korean products more than 100,000 won per ton, which has a price advantage.

In recent years, Chinese products in the Korean market share has exceeded 30%, although Korean companies have taken positive measures, but still can not suppress their rising trend. After 2010, China color coated products in the Korean market share has increased sixfold. According to the Korea Iron & Steel Association data show that Chinas total imports last years color-coated 40.7153 million tons, accounting for 29% in the first quarter of this year was 32.8 percent, breaking the 30 percent mark, compared with the 2010 level of 5.6 percent, described as "worlds apart." Under such circumstances, Dongkuk Steel, SeAH Steel and other major Korean companies caitu domestic sales are decreasing year by year, but the South Korean domestic demand for color-coated annual change was not large, almost beyond 2010 Every year remained at the level of 1.3 million tons -140 tons. Color-coated materials from South Korea local enterprises, the current Dongkuk Steel imports from China for the manufacture of EPS panels, SeAH Steel monthly sales maintained at a level of 1500 tons -2000 tons, while steel and a modern world Steel product prices higher than imports 20,000-30,000 won / ton, does not have a significant advantage.


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